18th-24th September (Germany)

Route : Wiesentheid – Theres – Wiesentheid – Stade – Hamburg

Kms : 980 kms 

Summary of event :

a) Reunited with Sophie and Hannes in Theres

b) Nana’s original broken engine will not be revived

c) Could this be the final VW event for the trip? 

18th-20th September Wiesentheid – Theres – Wiesentheid (170 kms) – Udhaya’s phone had problems and we went to a repair shop recommended by Anna.. His touch pad is not working .. We left Juergen’s place after breakfast and we were heading to David and Eva’a place.. I cannot wait to meet them and my darling Sophie and Hannes. David has been helping Terence  (who went there 2 days earlier) with his bus interior as his bed frame was getting wobbly. They have a woodwork garage at Eva’s parents place with all the tools. I spent the next whole 3 days with the kids and Eva. We also went to her mum’s place for afternoon tea. She made cake and coffee. We also had a good old German meatloaf and I enjoyed it very much. There was boiled egg inside the meatloaf which gives it a bit of a surprise when you cut the meatloaf. Udhaya spent a whole day with Danny in the garage getting Nana checked up. We ended up not fixing Nana’s engine as it was going to cost more than we budgeted for. We had to replace the casing and the connecting rods and the work Danny need to do to get this rebuild. Nana will be shipped back to Malaysia and she will be parked at my mum’s place. No one will be driving her around. My brother Mervin has his own car and he does not enjoy driving a classic car, even just for a short drive.. My mother does not drive. If Nana was going to be with us, then we will be driving it all the time and we would invest in getting this fixed by Danny. Danny is the best that we have seen and his work quality is simply exceptional.. Not to forget, the cleanest and tidiest garage that I have seen. Terence spent the next day to get Puch checked up. Udhaya made cinnamon buns for breakfast and it was simply yummy. He has not made this back home but only at the bakery. Guess our “little” neighbours in Sydney will finish it within the seconds… I also managed to go for a 10kms run along the railway track to the next village. Again, I love this town/village and can definitely see myself staying here. We had to leave Wednesday after lunch as  we were going back to Juergen and Nicola’s place for dinner and we were leaving from there tomorrow together with Danny for the End of Seasons’s VW meeting. This is a private meeting among friends and it has expanded to appx 200 cars/busses. We ended up leaving Eva and David’s close to 8pm and it was so hard to say goodbye to all of them esp my little Sophie… We had a typical German Bavarian spread at Nicola’s and Juergen’s for dinner with sausages, pate, onion bread (like a pizza), schmalz (pork fat in a form of a spread that you eat with bread), pickled gherkins and lots of bread and beer! Danny was here for dinner with his girlfriend, Julia came for dinner too, together with Ana and her boyfriend Marvin.

21st-24th September Wiesentheid – Stade – Hamburg (810 kms) We left in a convoy of 4 VWs : Puch, Nana, Juergen’s T2 and Danny’s Oval window beetle after breakfast. Eva cooked us a typical German breakfast of white sausages and pretzels… It was cold the last few days and its sad that summer is officially over and winter is just around the corner and on some days its here! It was a good 8 hours drive up north to State which is appx another 50kms north of Hamburg. It was a good drive with the 4 card and of course we get lots of thumbs up and cheers from other drivers and some even took videos when we were stuck in traffic.. when we finally arrived at Stade, we headed to the fort that was built for the war but when it was finished, the war ended! It was to control ships coming in the Hamburg as its just along the river Elbe for ships coming in from the North Sea. We met a few familiar faces which was nice and many new friends.. Again, the VW family seems to be like a religion. You only need to have a classic VW to be eligible to join this religion. And everyone are just nice, friendly, insisting that we visit and stay in their homes etc.. Never met a bad practitioner.. Danny was the DJ for this event and we all danced the nights away.. Lots of food and drinks.. Breakfast was included in the entrance fee and we only managed to get up early on Sunday morning to be on time for freshly cooked eggs… Otherwise you still haver a good spread of cheese, ham, all types of spread and fresh rolls. Terence missed breakfast all the time as he doesn’t eat breakfast.. On Saturday morning, there was a convoy driving out to the town of appx 90 VWs. I always enjoy these convoys .. its a nice feeling and it simply puts a smile on everyone’s face, which is nice.. We left on Sunday late morning after saying goodbye to everyone, we were heading to see our friend Bert in Hamburg while Danny and Juergen was heading back home.. We said our goodbyes at the petrol station after refuelling… We reached Bert’s place appx 4pm. Bert was the first nice German that we met in the CSP event in Hamburg when we first came to Germany. He offered is his place for a shower and a bed but we had to decline as there was so much going on and early starts when we first came to Germany. A close friend of his Ralph came over and we then headed to a gas station, a retro place where all classic car owners come over and hang out. There is also an old fashioned cafe with good coffee and cakes here.

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